KinderLearn Beta Access!

Register to join our closed beta program; giving you access to our interactive education system (games) and downloadable materials while we continue to develop them.

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Why KinderLearn?

Interactive Education System

Our educational program is meant to engage our little learners. Helping their education by keeping them interested in expanding their understanding. Not only do the lessons progress in difficulty as they show competency in each previous topic and lesson, but it will remain at the needed level as long as needed, to help build a strong foundation for subsequent progressions in each topic.

Interactive Education System »

Entertaining Educational Environment

It is important that our children are in an environment where they are engaged and want to progress. This is where our Interactive System is critical; being designed like a video game, students will enjoy the experience, and strive to meet the challenges presented. Children absorb so much more than most realize; we can educate them while giving them an alternative to the current games that produce adult children.

Game Based Environment »

Enterprise Features

Some times, you need enterprise features, but don't need the additional complexity. The RingMenu System, gives you Enterprise Features, without the complexity. For Example: Call Queues, are a common way to handle an abundance of incoming calls, but usually are extremely complicated. In our system easily create menus, call queues, message boxes, redirects, and much more. Add menus and multiple lines all while keeping your current cell phone.

Features »


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How Fun Helps Education

We know that it is important to challenge our children, and give them room to grow, learn, and experience life. We believe that doing this via an Online Community of Games is one of the best ways to challenge them. In each challenge they will learn new problems and solutions, or fortify skills and knowledge already learned. Receiving awards acheivements, and progressing through levels and areas as they learn. KinderLearn
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